Example of transparent light
Example of transparent light

example of transparent light

In PCSS, the shadows will get softer when they are further away from the object casting them, simulating what happens in real life.


Like PCF, they will automatically fallback to Poisson Sampling if the code is running on a WebGL 1 platform. PCSS could be seen as an improved version of PCF but despite looking better they are also more processor expensive and should be reserved for desktop applications. Starting with Babylon.js 3.2, contact hardening shadows based on PCSS shadows was introduced. QUALITY_LOW Contact hardening shadow (Webgl2 only) You must ensure that the light is as close as possible to the shadow casters.The smaller the range is, the better the shadow will be. You must provide the smallest range of depth values from your light by setting light.shadowMinZ and light.shadowMaxZ.With CESM, you can get accurate self-shadowing but you will need to define additional parameters: Starting with Babylon.js 3.0, we introduced a new way of doing exponential shadow map to deal with self-shadowing issues: The Close Exponential Shadow Map (CESM). Here is an example of blurred shadows: Blurred Shadow Example Close exponential shadow map You can control the kernel size with shadowGenerator.blurKernel, which default value is 1. While a bit more expensive, the quality of the shadow is far better with kernel blur. eKernelBlur: You can decide to use kernel blur instead of box blur.By default, the value is 1 (Meaning the box will go from -1 to 1 in both directions resulting in 9 values read by the blur postprocess). shadowGenerator.blurBoxOffset: Define the offset of the box's edge used to apply the blur.shadowGenerator.blurScale: Define the scale used to downscale the shadow map before applying the blur postprocess.The quality of the blur is defined by the following properties: This is the better soften shadow filter but the slower as well.

Example of transparent light